My week at the allotment #floweringnotes
What a week; We were meant to be on holiday in sunnier climates, but we had sunshine in the garden and the allotment instead. I have been working outside with my husband all week, keeping busy and distracting from the times that we are going through. We have been preparing ground, planting seeds, cutting grass, pruning and much more.
Here are a few snaps from our week, I am going to be sharing much more from the allotment from now on and I hope that you will enjoy following along.
I would love to see your pics if you are growing flowers or anything for that matter.
Tag me in your photos on Instagram by putting the hashtag #floweringnotes in your caption.
When you dig the border but don’t plan where to finish and so end up left in the middle; Chickens are oblivious and enjoying the worm feast. Next time i’ll get my boiler suit and headscarf on in true land girl style!
Our neighbouring family in their allotment. (Maciek, Lucy, Harry and Mabel!)
Easy to distance while being social when at the allotments.
New salad seed bed
There is a willow stag in there somewhere. It is being overtaken with honeysuckle.